Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crazy Little Thing Called 'Fun' - The Legendary Voyage of the 'Emi-Sars'

You know how you always see those display pictures saying 'My friends are crazy... but I love them...', or 'You're a retard, but I love you...' well, after today, I think I know exactly how much they pertain to me. SO. Me and Sarah decided to go shopping. I know, basic girls day out... except for the fact that we had to bus. Now, I've never bused before, and Sarah... Sarah just doesn't have a very good sense of direction. That is to say, none. Anyways, so, we tried the internet. It was down. Next, we called for verbal help, and... we should have done better. So once we finally make it all the way down to Hillcrest (4 intersections), we can't seem to find the right bus stop, and decide to go down to the Silver City bus terminal. Thats about 9 intersections in the other direction. Of course, us being as perfect as we are, we manage to realize we were at the bus station we needed to be. At Hillcrest. Nine intersections over, back where we were 45 min. ago, where we decided to go to the terminal. By the time we got over there, we had just missed the bus, and we would have caught the one to Vaughn at 6:30. Not so good, considering Vaughn closes at 7. Then deciding to go check Hillcrest, we go there, only to realize it's closed, and make our way back to Sarah's.

Now, for the REALLY funny part. Sarah's mom calls and asks for an update. Then, we end up ordering pizza. Me and Sarah stopped by a McDonalds for an ice cream break, and we end up going half way to Silver City before we call and ask for directions. Back to McDonalds we go. only after calling for directions again, we find out that the pizza place is across the street.

Anyways, Sarah thought it was great fun, who knows, maybe those two hours of walking and bonding really were worth something. All I know is that how ever many times I told Sarah that I hated her really did translate into 'You're so retarded. But I love you anyways'. By the way, I STILL need to go shopping. =]

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Little Piece of Life

Little Piece of Life
Originally uploaded by emi.mcD
Looking at this shot, I realized that I really do need to take more of flowers, more macro, more anything out in nature. I really do love playing with the depth of field options on my camera, and I think that if conceptualism can be merged with macro shots like this one, I just may have found a new style for me to aim towards.

Getting Back in Line

You know when you have to do something, or really want to get something, and then there always seems to be a huge, gargantuan, monstrous, ludicrous, outrageous, unseemly line? Was that enough adjectives for you? Well anyways... back to the story. You then reluctantly get in line, knowing that it'll be worth it in the long run, and wait for what seems forever. Then, you just happen to have a very urgent need to go to the washroom, or some other, equally as demanding thing. You're faced with a dilemma. Of course, one need will eventually overpower the other, and you'll loose you're space in line to go and fulfill it. That's the easy part. Getting back in line, now that just takes willpower. The tedious process of waiting in a line like that again would make most people just abandon all hope, not willing to go through so much just for what they wanted, or they somehow convince themselves that the need is not great enough. See, what I'm trying to say here is that getting back in the loop can be challenging. Very challenging. So please, don't blame me for getting over-obsessive, being in-frequent, and becoming a perfectionist over this.

Now. Don't you just hate me for making you read all that just for that one sentence? Don't worry, you know you still love me.

Sweet Sisterhood

Sweet Sisterhood
Originally uploaded by emi.mcD
I took this from afar, when we were looking at some beaches on P.E.I. and just loved catching one of the more tender moments between my sisters. Leah and I have occasional talks, but thats just typical younger to older sister questions and answers, and I never seem so see Kaitlin and Leah really have quality time. They play a lot... and they fight a lot. Bicker, debate, wrestle, you name it, they've done it, and do it. But all of that just added to the special originality of this photo.

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Beginnings

Starting high school is a big step. A huge step. On that you're going to remember forever. Out of all the new starts, the new beginnings, the new anythings, that first day of high school is completely unique. In four years from now, we're all going to look back, and realize what immature annoying kids we were. These next four years of our lives are the ones where we are going to go through some of the biggest changes in our lives. Sure, most people go into high school worrying about old friendships breaking apart, fitting into the 'in crowd', and somehow managing to pass all their courses with acceptable grades. Me, I'm more worried about how these next four years of my life are going to go by so fast. There's just so much I want to do, and high school is  our last chance, our last chance to experiment with things, our last chance to be a kid before moving onto a more adult world. Making the most out of high school is what's really important to me, one of the reasons I've suddenly decided to blog, but basically, I just want to make high school the time of my life that I can sit back and reminisce when I'm old and grey.


semester one - 

Physical Education
Ms. Pollock
Rm. 1024b

Science - Gifted
Ms. Higgins Wright
Rm. 1044


French - Gifted
Mme. Bolton

Math - Academic
Mr. Shim
Rm. 2008

semester two:

Music - Experienced Band
Ms. Christopoulos
Rm. 1069

Geography - Gifted
Ms. Marcantonio
Rm. 2037


Visual Art
Ms. Chan Simao
Rm. 2004

English - Gifted
Ms. Sartor
Rm. 1060