Saturday, December 31, 2011

12 Resolutions for 2012

New Year's Eve. A time for reminiscing and resolutions. I've done a bit of the first, and a whole lot more of the second. Above is a list of resolutions for this year. It's a much shortened version of all the things I hope to achieve this year - things I've realized are very centred around design.

Today I've set up a new desk lamp, purchased a new desk (FINALLY! - I've been working on a too short/tall computer desk that's not deep or wide enough for the past 7 years or so. It's been time for an upgrade since high school started up.), started a new sketchbook/notebook, and made headway on clearing out the junk in my room.

Things to complete before school starts:

  • Round up all sketchbook-y things (scraps, stickies, doodles, loose plans) and make it into a scrapbook/compilation of some sort
  • Frame/store artwork PROPERLY, or at least figure out how to do it
  • Clean out desk and transfer into new one.
  • Clear out random boxes from closet.
  • Establish a piano/flute practice schedule to follow for as long as possible.
  • Complete your procrastinated school work
And that's all folks! Stayed tuned for the official start of my creative journal tomorrow. Happy new year, and let's all hope the world won't end in 355 days on Dec. 21, 2012. ;)

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