Sunday, February 26, 2012

Journal Entry No.57


Not sure I should have posted this before distribution, here's a sneak peek at one of the articles  on my pages for the school newspaper, The Spyglass.

This issue was a crunch, I basically finished three pages in a day. My designs are more typography-heavy than last issue, which contained a lot of vector illustrations. Hopefully next time I'll be able to find a balance between them.

I hope you take time to read the article, it's by our Editor-in-Chief and is really a quality piece of writing.

Today's entry is a bit early, due to my Spyglass deadline being 1pm today. I've finished early as a result of staying up to 2:30 last night.

I'm probably in for another late one tonight, none of my math has been completed yet and I have a test on Thursday. Time to crunch!

- Emily

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