Sunday, January 15, 2012

Journal Entry No.15


Today, I share with you all one of my greatest  allies - my yearbook hoard. For that is what I did today. Yearbook. Yearbook, and yet more yearbook. It's an activity that sucks away at my time, and one that always makes me almost angry until I've gotten it right.

This hoard is one of many that I have. Something I have started recently is gathering up examples of works that I find inspiring, that catch my eye, or that I simply just like. For both the yearbook and the school newspaper, hoards like this one are priceless. They help me get through problems that past layout designers have encountered, and show me the solution that they came up with.

Plus, sometimes it's just fun to flip through them and gawk at all the interesting things captured within their pages. Even if some of those things star in layouts that are painful on the eyes.

- Emily

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