Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Journal Entry No.25


Nothing beats a hot cup of soothing tea when you're sick. My dad gave me this mug around christmas time, and I have to say, it's the best mug. Ever. Not only is it a Henry's mug, but it fits in my hands perfectly, and holds a tonne of liquid. Plus, it manages to stand out against all my white furniture - I can actually find it when I look for it.

Today was the last day of semester one classes. For me that meant I spent from about 1:00 to 3:30 doing nothing. Without co-op in the morning, I've been able to catch up on some much needed sleep and house cleaning in the morning.

Tomorrow will be dedicated to practicing for my music exam on Friday. I have no idea how it'll go. Last year I was positive I'd do well. The year before that I was positive I'd do badly. Both years I managed above a 95%. This year all I can do is hope I don't screw up.

- Emily

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