Thursday, January 19, 2012

Journal Entry No.19


One of the earliest projects I completed at my co-op placement was a typographic exercise in 'bringing words to life'. The final, and (in my opinion) best of the words that I represented in type is today's 'Paris'.

Parisian elements mean delicate, ornate, and almost wistful to me. To me, Paris also represents much of the modern development in design. I tried to combine these two ideas in a simple and striking manner in order to evoke the essence of the word, and city, "Paris".

Today was the second last day at my placement. It feels like the last because my supervisors do not go to work on Fridays. There weren't any tearful goodbyes, but there was cake. I know that I'll always look back on my co-op experience as the highlight of my high school education.

- Emily

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